Max DiNatale Digital Marketing Interviewed by Shoutout South Carolina

Max DiNatale

We had the good fortune of connecting with Max DiNatale and we’ve shared our conversation here and below.

Hi Max, what do you attribute your success to?

Pleasing clients – specifically going above and beyond – is the most important factor to success for me. A client that may start with one purchased service may add services two, three, four, and five because you did such a great job on the first. Not only this, but they’ll also recommend you to friends and business contacts. I know some people say you should charge for every single thing you do – but I don’t think like that. I think going above and beyond, adding little extras here and there, is something clients will remember in their perceived value of you.

Cherokee Valley photographs
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?

My social media marketing business is focused on specialized, local, high-quality content creation and channel management. This means producing photos, videos, and more for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. and growing + managing those platforms. At Max DiNatale Digital Marketing, we also offer paid social ads, Google Ads, PR, influencer marketing, SEO, graphic design services, and more. Moving into next year, I’m really excited about some new upcoming partnerships! From brand new businesses that haven’t even opened yet, to companies in other markets, we’re going to have a great new variety of clients coming up in 2024 that will help broaden our portfolio, while still showing off what we do best.

Max DiNatale at a cafe and working on his laptop, a coffee cup and dessert on the table
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.

I would love to take them to visit my clients, of course! Our weekend itinerary might look like this: * Rent bikes from Reedy Rides to tour GVL on Friday morning
* Lunch on Friday at Lewis Barbecue to try all the amazing vegetarian sides
* A tour of downtown TR on Friday night, ending with dinner further up in TR at Core 450
* On Saturday, we would take a day trip to Spartanburg to grab my favorite smoothie bowl at Health in Hand
* On Saturday night, we’d head back to GVL and have a fancy dinner at Scoundrel, followed by desserts and drinks at Carmella’s (opening very soon!)

Carmella's Cafe and Dessert Bar on the background of Max DiNatale
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?

Jumping right into the workforce after college gave me a lot of necessary technical knowledge that I still use to this day, from Excel formulas to the way certain social platforms work. I’m thankful for many great contacts and friends at my old agency job who I’ve remained in touch with. I also owe shoutouts to the friends and family who trusted me when I was just starting my business, and the clients who trusted me and my team when we didn’t have a huge portfolio to show off. This team that I speak of works tirelessly to make us all look good – from afternoon photoshoots to midnight editing sessions!

Lewis Barbecue restaurant on the background of Max DiNatale
Scoundrel Greenville Restaurant food photographs

If you’re looking to

bump up your leads through digital marketing,

feel free to reach out to me directly. Whether you’re here in Greenville, SC, or somewhere across the world, the benefit of these digital ads is that they can literally be managed from anywhere – so just hit that contact button to get the conversation started!


10 Secrets to Digital Marketing